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Quote du Jour

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
~ Johnathan Swift”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



NOVA Mini Maker Faire - March 15 2015

I will be exhibiting at this years NOVA Mini Maker Faire again.

Sunday March 15, 2015
Reston VA

Last year my booth for the NOVA MF was Recycled / Up-cycled Junk to jewelry and Hand Made Journals.

This year I am showing people a variety of ways to create their own workbenches / work spaces. I will be showing […]

Big Dreams of Trains to Nowhere and Everywhere

My inspiration of the month….

With thanks to Craig who sent me the following link:

It involves the clever reuse of train cars. Now what I find so inspiring about this … well in college my friends and I found a couple of old wooden cabooses…sitting on abandoned tracks a short walk from our dorms. […]

Small bit of fun

I was browsing Digg and ran across the following picture that someone took of some random street art in NYC.

I find it inspiring to find people who can be this creative, but equally refreshing that someone else can recognize it enough to want to photograph it.

On the subject of change

I’ve been contemplating change a bit recently – well okay – a lot.

“Change is BAD, I hate change – I’m not good with change, I don’t like change – BUT it IS important.” – Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson – The Closer – 3rd season premier – Episode – Homewrecker.

I rather agree with this quote […]

A Letter to Denneal

Lady Denneal –

I only kinda knew you before the last TCEP at the Days Inn. That was the year that Craig and I ended up stuck in the con suite most of the time. You offered to take over when we needed a break, you sat and watched silly movies with me as you put […]

Amanda Fisher

Found the following jewelry artist while lurking on the jewelry makers LJ community:

I’ve added her to my links list and I look forward to reading her blog more in depth.
She does some very beautiful work, and has some nifty scent lockets.

Her online store:

I really like her site design as well. The layout is completely different […]

What is freedom?

I often hear people talk about our freedom…. and feel most strongly that fear and the need to “conform” in as many ways as possible eats at that very freedom.

I was reading a post by Lelia Thomas about freedom. And while the ideas are not new, they are well worth the re-telling. She writes […]

Fran F.

Your skills at leather decoration and other crafting left me certain I’d never be as good – but gave me the courage to work on my own talents.

Betsy M. D.

Master costumer & jewelry crafter. I heard about you long before I met you, and then I was dazzled by your costumes and later your jewelry. I’m sorry you don’t have time to do as much of it as you used to. But hey- these days you do theater too!


Freedom lies in being bold.

— Robert Frost

This quote boldly lifted from another’s post about freedom. I’ve seen it before – and was reminded today that I wanted to add it to my personal quotes list.