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Quote du Jour

“Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.
~ Madame de Staël”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Count down to 2012 MakerFaire NC

Well – it’s been almost a year already. Wow – busy busy this past year.

We’ll be heading back to NC this June for the MakerFaire.  This year I will be teaching those interested about fused glass. So look for me there.

I’ll be discussing the basics of fused glass. How to assemble pieces for firing, the firing cycle, and cold working the glass afterward. I expect to be hoarse by the end of the day. I’ll have lots of examples for show and tell, and hope to have the grinder up and running to allow people to get the feel of cold working glass.

Craig will once again be playing catch and release with the throngs of children and their parents as he builds the Chaos Machine. Sadly Tony who was a huge help last year is otherwise promised and will not be there this year. He’ll be missed. Hopefully next year.

I’m looking forward to NC because this year I’ll feel like I’ve contributed to one of the highlights of the past few years for us. This will be a good dry run before I schedule teaching at the maker space locally.

Lots of prep work to get done this next week, and I’ll need to pack carefully since I need to include both the small Paragon Quickfire kiln and the glass grinder.

I really need to pre-pack as much as I can so we can test fit everything the weekend before leaving. Especially since the Chaos Machine takes up most of the vans cargo room.


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