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Quote du Jour

“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘ I don’t want to.’
~ Lao Tzu”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



getting a few earring sets done

Over Labor Day weekend I attended a gaming convention with Craig and I brought a few of my unfinished beading projects with me. I finished 3 pair of earrings and a three small pendants. And generally had a good time talking to Gorm, Ann, Liska, Gina, Amber, Mouse and a few others.

I’m fairly pleased with […]

Showing off Wordpress to Rachel

Here’s Rachel’s other blog. Rae’s Ramblings

Making a living - Photography

I had a friend ask the question about taking his photography to a professional level and trying to make a living with it… I thought I’d share my answer since may others also may be thinking along those lines.

Hey There!

If you seriously want to explore the whole photography as business idea -or – other passion […]

Shopping for the Impoverished Artist

The Holidays are upon us….

I find at this time of year that I am drawn even more to all the bits and pieces of equipment, tools and supplies that I don’t already have. That I quite simply can’t afford or justify either.

So. What do you do?

I try to cope by going to lots of thrift […]

Small bit of fun

I was browsing Digg and ran across the following picture that someone took of some random street art in NYC.

I find it inspiring to find people who can be this creative, but equally refreshing that someone else can recognize it enough to want to photograph it.

nifty cabochons and other stones

Just got back from Penguicon 5.

Went to a panel on miniatures – learned a few tricks to try on jewelry making.

Went to another panel on staying on target artistically speaking… and trying to make it work along with the rest of your life – called Life Hacks. It was primarily targeted to aspiring writers – […]

Artist’s Complete Health and Safety Guide, 3rd edition

This book by Monona Rossol is a very good reference to have when looking at safety concerns.

I used it to help me decide about welders lenses to use with my kiln.I used the 2nd edition….from the library initially and now I am waiting for this newly revised 3rd edition to arrive.

Edit: While double checking my […]

Setting up a Workshop / Studio

Setting up a Workshop / Studio

by Carrie S. Hafer

If you look around the web and talk to various artisans you will find lots of advice on setting up your own work space.Things to consider:

available space
required use and storage needs
flexibility of space as needs change
can you use the space available “as is”
do you need more power, […]