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Quote du Jour

“Insist upon yourself Be original.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Pendant - fused dichroic glass - Autumn


A burst of autumn colors with copper wire using silver and beaded accents surrounding a dichroic cabochon.



It would appear that Santa’s workshop is gradually moving to my studio – one power tool at a time!

I now have a nifty new 16″ variable scroll saw with stand…. waaay cool.

Now I just have to make room for it. I already have loads of ideas. And I just spent a few minutes flipping […]

Necklace - Blue Delight - dichroic glass and silver


I nick named this one Blue Delight.

A very fun necklace of fused dichroic glass, it has sterling silver and enameled copper wire with glass and silver bead accents. I hated to see this one go…

finding time….

Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘ I don’t want to.’

~ Lao Tzu

I like to use this quote as the banner on the top of my “to do” list occasionally – usually when I’m feeling […]

Big Day for my website

Well – I’m finally making some progress on the website redesign. I’ve been entering new categories and pages etc. So Driia’s content pages are starting to take shape. Need to finish a few things but I’m getting excited – this may actually be up and live soon…..

Things to do still:

Get all the right plug ins […]

Pendant - csh Colours


Fused glass cabochon with dichroic glass, silver wire wrap and glass bead accents. The silvery pink and the blue-green dichroic glass are lovely together. The beads that cascade at the top were carefully chosen and co-ordinate well with the cabochon.

Pendant - Soul Stone


Custom pendant of multiple layers of fused dichroic glass and mica powders. It has a copper wire wrap with a glass accent bead.

Silver and Natural Stone Necklace


I really like the combined colors in this – it’s a subtle palette mixing soft translucent white, with a muted green and hints of deep blue.

Pendant - PFD_0606_010


Perfect fall accent.

Pendant – PFSW_0509_005


I made this fused glass and sterling silver wire wrapped pendant for my friend Jill’s B-day last year. Finally getting around to posting it.