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Quote du Jour

“Freedom lies in being bold.
– Robert Frost”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Big Day for my website

Well – I’m finally making some progress on the website redesign. I’ve been entering new categories and pages etc. So Driia’s content pages are starting to take shape. Need to finish a few things but I’m getting excited – this may actually be up and live soon…..

Things to do still:

  • Get all the right plug ins for Word Press, like galleries, sticky notes, and event’s calendars
  • Need to find the right theme to hack or figure out a good design layout
  • Get that theme edited to suit once I find it
  • Design the banner and color scheme for the theme
  • Play with the administration tool enough to understand what everything does

Lots of little fiddly bits to play with…I’ll be quite busy trying all this shtuff out for now.

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