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Quote du Jour

“Freedom lies in being bold.
– Robert Frost”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Work to be done

I was reminded the other day by Kris that I wanted to get artwork, etc. out for sale eventually on Etsy.

In addition to that I am working already on a product lines for Cafe Press, and my own online store here on this site.

Right now my focus is on this – my primary business site. […]

Window Wall


This is a faux stained glass technique that I did for an interior window wall. It measures approximately 30 x 45 inches. A comparable sized stain glass window might cost $3,500-$5,000.

This window cost about $500 in materials and a month of my time…. not including the frame and the installation. If it were […]

finding time….

Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘ I don’t want to.’

~ Lao Tzu

I like to use this quote as the banner on the top of my “to do” list occasionally – usually when I’m feeling […]

Feeling this waaay too often

Wow – I found someone who put into words how I feel almost constantly. I really must start reading her blog on a regular basis. But Wait! – It’s yet another way to avoid doing my own art…..(Sigh)

From the artist’s blog:

“Most times I am guilty of thinking too much, wanting to control the outcome […]

Artist’s Complete Health and Safety Guide, 3rd edition

This book by Monona Rossol is a very good reference to have when looking at safety concerns.

I used it to help me decide about welders lenses to use with my kiln.I used the 2nd edition….from the library initially and now I am waiting for this newly revised 3rd edition to arrive.

Edit: While double checking my […]

Big Day for my website

Well – I’m finally making some progress on the website redesign. I’ve been entering new categories and pages etc. So Driia’s content pages are starting to take shape. Need to finish a few things but I’m getting excited – this may actually be up and live soon…..

Things to do still:

Get all the right plug ins […]

Setting up a Workshop / Studio

Setting up a Workshop / Studio

by Carrie S. Hafer

If you look around the web and talk to various artisans you will find lots of advice on setting up your own work space.Things to consider:

available space
required use and storage needs
flexibility of space as needs change
can you use the space available “as is”
do you need more power, […]

Asian Water Garden

Asian Water Garden photo

Asian Water Garden photo

Delicate blue flower in an asian water garden. Down in Florida at the World Showcase in Disney’s theme park.