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Quote du Jour

“Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.
~ Madame de Staël”

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Created by grupo mayan



A Letter to Denneal

Lady Denneal –

I only kinda knew you before the last TCEP at the Days Inn. That was the year that Craig and I ended up stuck in the con suite most of the time. You offered to take over when we needed a break, you sat and watched silly movies with me as you put […]

Amanda Fisher

Found the following jewelry artist while lurking on the jewelry makers LJ community:

I’ve added her to my links list and I look forward to reading her blog more in depth.
She does some very beautiful work, and has some nifty scent lockets.

Her online store:

I really like her site design as well. The layout is completely different […]

What is freedom?

I often hear people talk about our freedom…. and feel most strongly that fear and the need to “conform” in as many ways as possible eats at that very freedom.

I was reading a post by Lelia Thomas about freedom. And while the ideas are not new, they are well worth the re-telling. She writes […]

Fran F.

Your skills at leather decoration and other crafting left me certain I’d never be as good – but gave me the courage to work on my own talents.

Betsy M. D.

Master costumer & jewelry crafter. I heard about you long before I met you, and then I was dazzled by your costumes and later your jewelry. I’m sorry you don’t have time to do as much of it as you used to. But hey- these days you do theater too!

Jill B.

You are endlessly talented at creating complete and creative ways to torture us physically for the sake of our health and sanity. Thank you for your encouragement, and appreciation.

Joan W.

A gaming entrepreneur – designing games, going out on her own and doing what she likes. Hope it can be full time eventually.

Kathy K. E.

Likewise for your sewing skills and your own abilities in costuming – which you used well on your son as he was growing up. The wizard is still one of my favorites!

Eileen K.

For encouraging my costuming and helping with the sewing. And just generally being interested…. not to mention a wicked shopping partner!

Dot G.

When I think of you, I remember your country crafts and sewing projects. I always felt that you had a feeling of fearlessness about you.