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Quote du Jour

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
— George Eliot”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Valentines Date Night

This year in lieu of chocolates, flowers or silly stuffed animals….. my very favorite person (who also happens to be my husband), bought us tickets to a “date night” at the The Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton , VA.  This involved Ballroom dancing, snacks and a bar….. plus the good part… a 2 hour couples Glass Class which allowed us to choose either fused glass or torch work glass.

Decisions – decisions….  I’ve had a couple of fusing classes and I use my own kiln to make fused glass jewelry, however I also know how to make lamp work beads using a hot head torch and map gas. After a brief bit of pondering I chose torch work glass as this was an opportunity to see how torch work was done on a Carlisle mini cc surface mix bench burner.

Using a two part fuel source (propane and oxygen) is a little different than using map gas. You have to remember the correct order to turn on and off the two gases. POOP is how you remember that…. you start by turning on the Propane (and lighting it with a match or striker) set your flame and then add in the Oxygen. Now reset your flame for thickness and candle height; melt glass – until you are tired or done for a while. Turn off your burner by shutting down your Oxygen before you turn the Propane off. POOP = (Propane on, Oxygen on & Oxygen off, Propane off) nice and simple.

I had a chance to talk to Rick Sherbert (the glass center’s director), got the pricing for use of open torch time. They also had a nice kiln room and cold working room. He however did the kiln class. Our instructor was Lisa St. Martin and while she does teach bead work classes – this class was using boro rods and free form sculpting. I’ll post pictures of some of my pieces soon. I didn’t really get the glass to where I wanted most of the time – but I had fun, learned a little bit…. and have a couple of pieces I may be able to turn into jewelry.

All in all I can highly recommend this type of activity for couples – especially if one or both of you is into the artsy stuff. Craig got to play with fire and ask technical questions, an I got to make stuff. So I’m happy, and I know my husband still loves me – because he does things like this with me. Hope you all had as much fun as I did on V-day!

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