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Quote du Jour

“Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.
~ Madame de Staël”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



NOVA Mini Maker Faire - March 15 2015

I will be exhibiting at this years NOVA Mini Maker Faire again.

Sunday March 15, 2015
Reston VA

Last year my booth for the NOVA MF was Recycled / Up-cycled Junk to jewelry and Hand Made Journals.

This year I am showing people a variety of ways to create their own workbenches / work spaces. I will be showing […]

MFNC 2012

Here's your sign…. everybody gets one.

Well it’s over now, and I survived!  As usual Maker Faire NC was very frenetic. I was there presenting a booth on the basics of fused glass. Answering many, many questions, and even getting a few people involved in cutting glass or grinding an edge groove into a small […]

Count down to 2012 MakerFaire NC

Well – it’s been almost a year already. Wow – busy busy this past year.

We’ll be heading back to NC this June for the MakerFaire.  This year I will be teaching those interested about fused glass. So look for me there.

I’ll be discussing the basics of fused glass. How to assemble pieces for firing, the […]

Fun at Maker Faire NC

This past weekend, I went down to Raleigh, NC for Maker Faire NC on June 18th. It was my second time there and lots of fun. People who make all sorts of things were there of course. Among them were several clubs from all over the Raleigh-Durham area. There were electronics, robotics, science […]