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Quote du Jour

“Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.
~ Madame de Staël”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



MFNC 2012

Here's your sign…. everybody gets one.

Well it’s over now, and I survived!  As usual Maker Faire NC was very frenetic. I was there presenting a booth on the basics of fused glass. Answering many, many questions, and even getting a few people involved in cutting glass or grinding an edge groove into a small […]

Count down to 2012 MakerFaire NC

Well – it’s been almost a year already. Wow – busy busy this past year.

We’ll be heading back to NC this June for the MakerFaire.  This year I will be teaching those interested about fused glass. So look for me there.

I’ll be discussing the basics of fused glass. How to assemble pieces for firing, the […]

Valentines Date Night

This year in lieu of chocolates, flowers or silly stuffed animals….. my very favorite person (who also happens to be my husband), bought us tickets to a “date night” at the The Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton , VA.  This involved Ballroom dancing, snacks and a bar….. plus the good part… a 2 hour couples […]