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Quote du Jour

“Be yourself, no one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong.
~ James Herlihy”

Showing Off

Created by grupo mayan



Artist in Residence

Carrie S. Hafer

Oh you Found me! Hi there….my name is Carrie. I like many forms of art and expression. Over the years I’ve explored several of them including poetry, oil painting, costuming, photography, mixed media, wood working and functional art. However I really do keep coming back to jewelry. It must be the magpie in me…I simply LIKE shiny.

My love of jewelry is a running theme in my life. Which is illustrated by a favorite saying of my father’s “just give me 100 dollars worth of junk jewelry and move me in next to Carrie…I’ll be rich.” Well yes, I used to buy lots of junk jewelry – what my dad didn’t know was how much of it I took apart or combined to make other jewelry – usually to go with costumes. I’ve moved on from “junk jewelry”, now I prefer fine jewelry, hand crafted items and wearable art.

I like art and architecture and find clean lines very appealing – but I have this radical side that likes things fun and funky too. So you’ll find both off and on in my work. Many things catch my eye and usually spark ideas for jewelry or art. Whatever seems to evoke a feeling in me at the moment.

Although I am not a formally taught artist – I have taken the odd workshop here and there…. and the occasional adult evening class that interested me. Finally after years of fighting and procrastination I decided I really neeed to pursue this part of me – not let it drift away in dreams of what if…. I owe a huge thanks to my official “Patron of the Artist”, my husband, Craig Trader. Without his love and support this would not be possible.

I have been inspired by many people: family, friends and strangers alike. Thank you … to those people who provide inspiration, whether you know it or not. Please visit my personal Hall of Inspiration… I never know what will inspire me next. Find your own sources of inspiration, they are there if you look for them.

You can have more than one passion in your life…. I’ve had several, sometimes sequentially, at other times simultaneously. Give your ideas – your passions a try, you never know what is possible until you try.

Oh well – enough of my soap box, I hope you enjoy my mixed media art and jewelery.

Glad you could join us,
