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Quote du Jour

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of the creative effort.
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt”

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Created by grupo mayan



Selection of Fused Glass Books Reference List

I spent some time the other day looking for books on fusing glass. There are a lot of them out on Amazon’s website, a few on Barnes and Noble, and the rest are scattered to the wind.  In any case there are of course many resources out on the internet to help you in locating a book or three of your own to purchase.

I am getting ready to teach a class soon – so  I made a list.  This list is not exhaustive, and many are now hard to find. But with a list in hand you can ask at your local library and see if they can get a copy; either through purchase or inter-library loan. I still need to check my list against the LOC catalog, but I think I’ve got a good list now to work from.


So hopefully you will find this bibliography as useful as I do. It is a pdf so when you click on it is shows up another page then click again to download it from your browser.

Several of these authors are very well known in the warm glass or fused glass circles. Many of them can teach the basics if you have access to a glass kiln but do not have any place to take a class. Possibly you  are just interested in learning more about the whole process. Keep in mind that if you are not a person who likes having copies of your own that a lot of this information can be found out on the internet by looking at company websites where fused glass products are sold or classes are taught.

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